Building Empathy & Kindness

Increase Positive Peer-to-Peer Interactions and Reduce Bullying Online and In-Person

This set of free lesson plans include classroom instruction and activities designed to build student social awareness, self awareness, empathy, and encourage positive bystander behaviors.

What’s Included

This interactive guide provide simulated situations that students collectively and individually resolve. The lessons are designed for easy implementation by providing scripted, carefully crafted exercises and activities.

The “Building Kindness and Empathy” lesson plans are intended to help middle school and high school students recognize and learn ways to mitigate mean behavior and build relationships that increase their sense of belonging.

Students will:

  • Increase empathy, social awareness, and positive peer-to-peer interactions

  • Identify mean behaviors online and in-person

  • Understand the student’s role in creating a positive and inclusive school climate

  • Learn how to reduce mean behaviors such as harassment, teasing, and name-calling on school grounds, outside of school, and online

  • Strengthen their relationship skills with classmates and others

  • Learn effective tools to enhance productive group work

This guide was created by Social Eyes LLC in collaboration with The CT Commission on Women, Children, Seniors, Equity & Opportunity and aligned with the social emotional musical film series “Stand UP!” created by Jill Nesi.

This guide is available at no cost!

Frequently Asked Questions

Click the question to reveal the answer.

  • This is a guide designed to help educators and professionals who work with children teach and foster empathy in students through engaging, well-crafted activities.

  • This guide is great for teachers, educators, and any professionals who work directly with middle school and high school students.

  • These activities are perfect for students in middle school or high school.

  • This guide is conveniently offered in PDF format! It comes with a guide for the teacher and a workbook for the students.

Kids deserve to feel a sense of belonging wherever they are in the world.

If your school or district is interested in learning more about using these guides, fill out the form below or contact Robin Fox at